Bean Counter to Boss 4

Episode 4: Bean Counter to Boss 4

In this episode of the series, Amy Hancock and James Goulsbra talk about the add-ons to bookkeeping software that they use, debate CRM versus Excel, and talk about how you manage anti-money laundering requirements.

Show notes

In this episode of the series, Amy Hancock and James Goulsbra talk about the add-ons to bookkeeping software that they use, debate CRM versus Excel, and talk about how you manage anti-money laundering requirements.

This podcast series complements our hub Creating Tomorrow’s Practice Today – a hub covering regulation, tips from other members and ACCA partners, and how you can build your community. There’s even a checklist that you can use to check your progress. You can check out our hub

You can find ACCA’s AML resources on our technical advisory website



Amy Hancock

Amy Hancock

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James Goulsbra

James Goulsbra

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